Volunteers are an essential part of this ministry. You give of your time and bring a beautiful variety of spiritual gifts and talents. Thank you for your interest in volunteering at our Center! Please read our Statement of Faith and Practice and Statement of Principles, and if in agreement, proceed by Downloading the Volunteer Application, along with the Statement of Faith and Practice and Statement of Principles. Please complete and sign, then email paperwork to karrin@choicescenter.org, or mail it to: CHOICES/ ATTN Karrin 3560 W. Temple Ave Suite H, Pomona, CA 91768. Questions? Fill in the fields in the Contact Us section below. We will reply within a few days.
Please prayerfully consider your role in saving the pre-born and helping their mommies make decisions for life.
We look forward to hearing from you! (Please click below to see: 10 Ways To Help CHOICES.)
Volunteer Application 2 page (pdf)
DownloadStatement of Faith and Practice (pdf)
DownloadStatement of Principles (pdf)