Laura has been involved with the center for over 10 years and is passionate about supporting the life- affirming work of its staff and volunteers. She is the Church Administrator for Hope City Church in Claremont, where she has been a member since 1996. "I love the holistic approach that CHOICES has to come alongside those facing an unplanned pregnancy throughout their journey, and to help bring healing to post abortive women and men. It's a privilege to serve on the Board of Directors for such an amazing organization."
Beginning in 1988, Russ served as an Urban Missionary in the San Francisco Bay area working with 300 churches in community ministries, conflict management and vision development, transferring to the Los Angeles region where he served 400 churches in the same capacities. Russ taught Pastoral Care classes at Golden Gate Seminary in Brea, directed Foundations, Corporate Support and Research at APU and served as Principal at Western Christian High School. He also opened and worked with his wife Ann Putnam Grelling, MRE, as administrators of Grelling Residential Homes for developmentally disabled adults. Russ received a BA in Biology from William Jewell College, an MA in Counseling Psychology from Missouri University and a Master of Divinity degree from Golden Gate Seminary in Mill Valley (now Gateway Seminary in Ontario).